When a real estate agent or broker acts in an agency capacity for a buyer or seller client in a transaction, the agent or broker functions under certain legally mandated duties called fiduciary duties, acting in the best interests of the client. Such duties are regulated in some cases and sometimes not.
The Aadhar ordinance2019, privacy and remedies available in violation thereof.
Through this article we discuss the effect of Aadhar ordinance 2019, use of same by private entities, whether it violates ratio laid in the the landmark judgment of Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retired) v Union of India and if your privacy is violated then what are the remedies under the law.
General Elections: Basic law behind it.
India being a democracy, witnesses elections at almost all level, place and time. Election is part of life for us. We have democratic bodies right from village / society level to apex level at the central. As the biggest festival is here i explore about law behind it in brief.