Section-59 BNSS – Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023 & equivalent Cr.P.C. Section

Section-59 of Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023: Police to report apprehensions – with corresponding and equivalent Sections of Cr.P.C.-Criminal Procedure Code.

Bhartiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, 2023Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (corresponding section)
59. Officers in charge of police stations shall report to the District Magistrate, or, if he so directs, to the Sub-divisional Magistrate, the cases of all persons arrested without warrant, within the limits of their respective stations, whether such persons have been admitted to bail or otherwise.58. Police to report apprehensions.—Officers in charge of police stations shall report to the District Magistrate, or, if he so directs, to the Sub-divisional Magistrate, the cases of all persons arrested without warrant, within the limits of their respective stations, whether such persons have been admitted to bail or otherwise.

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